Technology Desk Ahmedabad: Instant messaging WhatsApp continues to release new features and updates for its users so that users can get better experience during chatting. At the same time, the company has rolled out the latest beta version and users will get multi wallpaper features in it. Apart from this, users will now also be able to watch ShareChat videos in picture-in-picture mode. Let us know that the latest beta version has been introduced for both iOS and Android platforms.
The report also stated that Android and iOS users of WhatsApp will soon have the facility to enable ShareChat video support in the beta version. The company will gradually extend this service to all its users. After the new feature comes, users will be able to play ShareChat videos in WhatsApp itself. For this, you just have to click on the play button given in the video. After this, the video will play in picture-in-picture mode. However, no official announcement has been made by WhatsApp about this yet. But after the report surfaced, it is expected that users will not have to wait much for the new features.