How To Lock App || How to Break AppLock || How to Hide AppLock | Every day we use a lot of apps on your phone and install a lot of apps. Most of our work is done through these apps. There are many such apps in everyone’s Smartphone which help in fulfilling his needs. That’s why every smartphone user installs the app in your phone according to his need.
How To Lock App || How to break AppLock || How to Hide AppLock
In which we want to keep the lock so that no one can open these apps without their consent. Because they may contain our personal things. If anyone had seen it, it could have become a problem for us. Like we have a lot of photos, videos in the gallery, which we do not want to share with anyone. So to keep these things safe, you can use App Lock. That’s why many people don’t know how to lock apps.
This causes them a lot of trouble that in this article you will come to know about it. If you also do not know how to apply lock on the app, then through this article you will learn about it. Like how to do App Lock, you will get to know about it and apart from this you will get all other information related to it through this article. Like how to hide App Lock, you will also get to know about it and apart from this you will also learn about How to Unhide Applock from this article.
How To Lock App
If you want to lock the apps on your phone, then you can do it very easily. But for this you have to follow some steps. After this you can easily lock the apps. Many times there are such important things in our phone, which we have to lock on the apps to keep it safe. So follow some steps to lock apps.
- First of all, you have to go to Google Play Store and install an app on your phone. Open the Play Store and search for App Lock, then click Install to install AppLock.
- After this AppLock has to be opened, to open AppLock, click on the icon of AppLock.
- Then, draw the same pattern you want to apply to AppLock twice.
- After this you will see the option of Agree and Start, you have to click on it, then you click on Agree and Start.
- Then the lock icon will appear on the right side of the app you want to lock, click on it.
- After this you will see two options, out of both you have to click on the option of PERMIT, then you have to click on PERMIT.
- Then the option of AppLock will appear in it, there will be an option of Enable, by clicking on it, you have to enable it, click on it.
- After this you will see two options, out of which you have to click on any one option, then you click on the option of permission.
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After that the lock icon will appear next to the app you want to lock, you have to click on it. You can click on the lock icon beside the app. After that the app will be locked and whenever you want to open the app, after giving the password to open the app, the app will open, so by this star you can easily apply lock on the app.
And if you want to install fingerprint lock with pattern lock on the app, then you can click on protect and below you will see the option of fingerprint lock and you will get the option of enable, in that you have to click on next to fingerprint lock , click Enable. After this the fingerprint lock will be installed.
How to Hide AppLock
Hide app lock app is very easy, you can hide it very easily and after hide you will not see this app on phone, it will hide from phone, follow some steps to hide app lock. Perega you follow these steps.
- First of all, AppLock has to be opened, to open AppLock, click on AppLock’s icon.
- After this you will see the option of PROTECT above, you have to click on it or you will have to click on Protect.
- Then you will see the option of Magic below, you have to click on it, you can click on Magic.
- After this you will see the option of Hide AppLock, you have to enable it, click on Enable Near Hide AppLock.
- Then again click on Enable next to Hide AppLock, then you have to click on Enable.
- After that AppLock will hide successfully, you can hide AppLock very easily by following these easy steps.
How to unlock AppLock
- After Hide AppLock, if you want to unhide it, you can do it, but for this you have to follow some steps, you have to follow some steps.
- First of all go to the web browser of the phone and open it.
- Then you have to search on the browser, you can search by taking app lock.
- After that the URL of Open AppLock will appear, you have to click on it, you click on Open AppLock.
- Then click to open applock account will appear, you have to click on it, you can click on click to open applock.
- After that draw the pattern that was applied to AppLock.
- Then click on Protect and below you will see the option of Hide AppLock, you have to disable it, you can disable it by clicking on the icon next to Hide AppLock.
- After that applock will be unhide, this star can easily unhide applock.
How To Crack App Lock
If you want to break app lock, you can break app lock by following simple steps, follow these steps to break app lock.
- First of all you have to press on AppLock’s icon, you can press on AppLock’s icon.
- After this you will see many options, out of which you have to click on the option of App info, then you have to click on App info.
- After that you will get two options above, out of both you have to click on Uninstall or you can click in Uninstall. Then this app lock will be broken, you can break app lock by following this simple star steps.
How to Lock app from setting
- If you want to lock the app without any app then you can put it but this feature is not available in every phone. You have to follow these steps.
- First of all go to the Settings of the phone, click on the Settings icon to go to the Settings.
- Then, you will see the option of Security at the bottom, you will have to click on it or click on Security.
- After that you will see the option of App Encryption, you have to click on it, you can click on App Encryption.
- Then you will get two options, out of which you have to click on the option of set password, then you click on set password.
- After that enter the same password that you want to keep twice.
- After that the security question has to be answered, after answering click on Done.
- Then you have to click on App Encryption again, after that click on App Encryption.
- After this, the app you want to lock will have a tick core and click on the Enable Encryption option at the bottom.
- Then click on App Encryption and enter the password.
- After that click on the app you want to lock.
- Then, on clicking on it, the option of Enable Passcode Verification will appear, you have to enable it by clicking on the Enable icon near Enable Passcode Verification. After this the app will be locked.
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Conclusion: So in today’s post we will learn How to break app lock, how to prevent this from being broken and how to break privacy password. I hope you liked today’s post a lot and now you too can easily break your app lock sitting at home. If you still face any problem related to app lock breaking or app lock, then you can ask us via comment. If you have any question or suggestion, then do let us know in the comments. Thank you..!!