How to find owner name by Vehicle Number || Here we will know how to find owner name by vehicle number? The transport department has provided the facility to search train number online. Now anyone will be able to find out who is the owner and what is his name from the number of the vehicle in just 2 minutes. How to know Malik’s name from vehicle number was asked by one of our guest. They wanted to know that the number plate means the number of the vehicle, can we know in whose name the vehicle is? So friends, after reading this article, you will be able to find the name of the owner very easily by searching the number of the vehicle. It will take you only 2 minutes.
You may be wondering how this information can be useful to us. Suppose a car or bike or any other vehicle is running on the road after harming someone, then you can get information about it immediately from its number plate. Apart from this, if you are buying a second hand two or four wheeler, then before buying you can find out immediately by searching the vehicle number whether the seller of the vehicle is the owner of that vehicle or not. In this way you can also avoid any big fraud.
How to find owner name by Vehicle Number
I hope you have understood how important it is for all of us to know the name of the owner from the number of the vehicle. So let us tell you how to get the details of any vehicle number online? These 3 methods are available to know the name of the owner from the vehicle number –
- mParivahan App
- Online
Let us give you step by step information about all these methods.
How to find owner name by Vehicle Number with mParivahan App
To know the vehicle details online, the transport department has started the online facility. Along with this, its official Android app has also been made available in the Play Store. Through these you can easily get the registration details of any vehicle. For this, read all the steps given below carefully.
Play Store App:- Download
- Step-1. Download the mParivahan App: If you have a smartphone then this is the easiest and fastest way. To search car number, first you have to do mParivahan app. So let’s first download this app from here.
- Step-2. Select the RC option: After installing the mParivahan app on your phone, open it. On the homepage, first select the option of RC. Then tap on the box containing the Enter Vehicle Number to get the details.
- Step-3. Search Car Number: Now in the given box enter the vehicle number, name of the owner of the vehicle you want to know. After typing the number, tap on the search icon.
- Step-4. See the name of the vehicle owner: As soon as you search by entering the vehicle number, after some time the name of the owner of the vehicle will appear on the screen. That is, in whose name the vehicle is registered, its name can be seen along with the RTO details.
In this way we can get the name and other information of the owner of the car / bike or any other vehicle from the vehicle number in a very short time. If you want to test it, you can check by searching your bike/car number. Note that you need to have smartphone for app install and internet data to know details.
How to find owner name by Vehicle Number Online
- Step-1.Open the website of Parivahan – We can search the name of Malik by the vehicle number online. For this, first open any web browser on your mobile or computer. Like Google Chrome. After this you have to go to
Visit Site:- RCDLStatus
- Step-2. Enter Vehicle Number – After this the transport website will open. Enter the number of the vehicle whose owner’s name you want to know in the box provided here. After that select the Check Status option.
- Step-3.View Vehicle Owner Details – As you search by entering vehicle number, vehicle owner name and other details will appear on the screen. As also mentioned in the screenshot below-
How to find owner name by Vehicle Number with SMS
Even if you do not have a Smartphone, you can easily find out the name of the owner from the number of the vehicle. For this you have to send an SMS. In your SMS box, type –
Example- VAHAN GJ04CJ****
Send it as follows – to 7738299899. In no time you will get complete information through SMS. Its SMS charge is Rs 1.50 or Rs. In this way you can easily search vehicle number through SMS also.
How to find address online by vehicle number?
Many people want to know whether the address can be traced from the vehicle number? So I would like to tell you that the address from the vehicle number cannot be found online. Because giving the address of the owner of the vehicle online will not be right for privacy and security.
If such a situation arises due to which it is necessary to know the address of the owner of the vehicle like – someone’s accident. So in this case complain to the police. The police will take the name and address of that vehicle owner from the RTO.
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Conclusion – Here we learned how to find owner name by vehicle number. I hope the information on finding vehicle number has been useful to you. If you face any problem in finding name by searching vehicle number, if you have any query related to it, then write it in comment box. Will reply you very soon. How to know in these 3 ways, whose name is the car, how did you like the information, you can also give your feedback in the comment box. If you liked this information, please do not forget to share it with your friends on social media. Thank you!