AstroSage Kundli 2021 || Make Free Janam Kundali from Mobile: Many people’s birth charts are made in their childhood. But some people forget to make birth chart. And so if they go on needing horoscopes later, they have plenty of time to make it. and spend the money. So to save both these things I have brought this article for you so that you will easily know how to make horoscope in mobile. Today we will know how you can make your birth chart in mobile.
|| AstroSage Kundli 2021 || Make Free Janam Kundali from Mobile ||
Today in our country the birth chart of every person is made in childhood itself. But many times someone forgets to make their birth chart. And in speech he goes on the need of horoscope. So in such a situation they have to go to some Pandit. But now the age of technology has arrived. Now everything is found or made in your mobile / computer itself. And this saves people both time and money.
Earlier people used to go to a pandit or astrologer to get the horoscope made. And we used to get our horoscopes made from them. But today’s era is of technology. We can make horoscope of any person sitting at home with the help of internet. That too absolutely free on our mobile. So that we do not have to search for any Pandit. And easily we can also make our own birth chart. Friends, today’s topic is how to make birth chart? So if you also want to save your time and money by making your birth chart from your mobile itself, then definitely read this article from beginning to end. So that you too can learn to make Janam Kundli from your mobile.
|| AstroSage Kundli 2021 || What is Janam Kundali? ||
Everyone knows the work of birth chart, but many people do not know what is a birth chart. So we know a little bit about it.
- Janam Kundli is a chart made by combining various zodiac signs and planets.
- And is divided into 12 houses. These 12 houses are related to the position of the person and whatever aspects are related to astrology.
- Each house in the horoscope tells different possibilities of life like relationship, money, education, time etc.
What if we see our tomorrow only today. I mean if we look at our future events today. Then we will reduce it accordingly. So to know the future or to know your second birth, Pandits or anyone needs a birth chart. According to the birth chart, one can predict the good and bad times of a person. And accordingly we can change its constellation also. Any objection that people may have in the birth chart has already been explained by the horoscope. Due to which people are already aware.
|| What is the use of Janam Kundali? ||
Kundli is demanded in many places, understand that if you go to a pandit to know something about yourself, then he first asks for your birth chart to tell your past and future.
At your wedding – When you will be performing a ceremony like marriage with someone else. Then your horoscope will be asked to be seen by the people in front and so will be your new birth chart, then you can understand how much trouble can be.
In worship being done for your trouble – If any pandit or brahmin will worship you for good wishes or future. Or any such worship which is being done to remove your sufferings. It is necessary to have your horoscope in it.
|| AstroSage Kundli 2021 || How To Make Free Janam Kundali From Mobile ||
Now we know about our main topic, through which we will be able to know how to make birth chart in mobile. It is very easy to make birth chart from mobile, below I will tell how to make birth chart, so that you can easily create your birth chart.
STEP1:- First of all download the application named AstroSage Kundli. [You will easily find it in playstore, you can also download this application by clicking on the download given below]
Play Store App :- Download
STEP2:- Now after installing it in your mobile, open the application.
STEP3:- Now in that app you have to choose your language. After selecting the language in which you want to generate the birth chart, click on Next.
STEP4:- Now you will be asked to create an account in that application, if you want to create your account then you can create it by filling your details in it. Otherwise, you can create an account on AstroSage Kundli app later also. For this, click on the ‘Skip’ option shown in the screenshot.
STEP5:- Now the homepage of that application will open on the display of your phone. In this you will see many options. Click on Kundli option to generate birth chart.
STEP6:- Now write the name of whose horoscope you are making. Then write the date of birth and time of birth. Then write the place of birth. And select male or female, and click on the option to show horoscope.
STEP7:- Now you will be asked whether this is your horoscope?
If this is your horoscope then choose yes and if you are making someone else’s then choose no. After selecting your birth chart will be ready now you can easily view your birth chart on your mobile.
Play Store App :- Download
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Hindi: Click Here
Conclusion – In this post, how to make and see horoscope according to date of birth from your android mobile sitting at home. If there is any problem in downloading AstroSage Kundli 2021 or making horoscope from it, then you can ask in the comment box below. If you liked the information on how to make birth chart according to date of birth, then do not forget to share this post. So that other people can also learn to make horoscope. Share button is given below to share. Thank you!